All images © Jennifer Cox
There are some nice images from Jennifer Cox´s portfolio I wish I knew how it would feel to be free that she recently submitted to the magazine. Some of the strongest work for me are those shots that use less props or none at all. In my mind, the more minimalist compositions are more compelling and operate on a different level; one that is disconcerting, unfamiliar and far less easily explained. Have a read of her artist statement posted below to get a full flavour of her project:
"I wish I knew how it would feel to be free is a series of photographs that tries to analyse our relationship with Nature. I believe our bodies are an extension of Nature: it is a perfect creation, despite whatever its shape might be, and therefore it is no different from everything that surrounds me. I believe that modern cities have somehow managed to alienate our bodies, as they have become an accessory instead of a tool, it is out of place, it has no function save to decorate and charm.
For me Nature is an untamed force that instils the same amount of fear and awe in me whenever I have the pleasure of being in it and it is only in those moments that I feel truly free. It is as if some kind of primitive instinct that has lain dormant in me for years awakens and I suddenly turn feral: I climb trees, swim in rivers, dig holes, jump from rocks and run wild. I become empowered and my body takes the place that was originally meant for it.
My "Free" photographs are composed mainly of self-portraits that I have taken during my repeated visits to different natural environments. These visits have become some sort of pilgrimage in which I look for the perfect place to photograph: I set my camera and through staged performances I go back to being wild and, at the same time, I try to capture on film my longing to become part of nature, untamed, free and wild."
Jennifer Cox was born in Malaga, Spain, where she began her studies and practise as a fine art student. Later on she moved to the U.K. where she studied a BA (Hons) in Documentary and Film in the University of Wales, Newport and from which she graduated with Honours. Although her creative work requires her to travel much of the time, she now lives in Madrid, the city in which where she works as a photographer and a film maker.
Amongst her better known work are her two short films Little girls know all the secrets (2005), Hush-Sh (2006) and a 40 minute documentary entitled A film about Home (2008). She has also made music videos for artists such as Marissa Nadler and Aroah. Her photographs have been shown in many galleries such as the Baltic in the UK, the Castiello de San Jorge gallery in Lisbon and the Galeria Central in Malaga. She has received grants from Foc Films, has produced photographs for advertising campaigns for Calle 13, cd sleeves for groups like Earthphish and Aroah and has had her work published in magazines such as Camino, Rockdelux, Glamour and Psychologies.
She is now working on new photographs for her first solo exhibition.