All images ©Pablo Chiereghin
This post is somewhat overdue as Pablo Chiereghin sent me these images a fairly long time ago but if ever portraiture stripped away the surface or, moreover, manipulated it through gesture and expression, this photographer has done it with the same sensibility and enthusiasm as any of the true greats. Needless to say, this work really stopped me in my tracks and so it is my absolute honour to be able to share it with you all. It´s from a series called Picture of a Lie by Pablo Chiereghin, an Italian artist who now lives in Vienna. Of the project he says:
"If photography was born to document the reality, Picture of a Lie has the goal of documenting the false. The artist, after a non-scientific psychoanalytic procedure that lasted 30-40 min, asked his model to repeat their worst lie as they were facing the person they told it to. The goal was not to portray the person but the lie itself."
Born in 1977 in Adria, Italy, Pablo Chiereghin studied Communication in Bologna where he started working as copywriter. He continues his experience in ADV in Madrid and Trieste developing a big interest in photography and art. In 2006-2007 he attended the PG in Photography at Central St. Martins, University of Arts and Design in London. Solo exhibitions include 2008 Pablo Chiereghin. Dicono che sembro intelligente MiCamera, Milano and Birthday Suit at the Window Gallery, London, in collaboration with Barbican Art Gallery for the exhibition Seduced Art and Sex from Antiquity to Now. Did I mention that I love his work?