© Lisa Barnard
There sure are some great talks and tours as part of Photography Day (Wednesday 19 January) at this year´s London Art Fair. Scroll down for details.
Image Fatigue: Can photographs still be a catalyst for positive social change in a world saturated with images?
In association with PhotoVoice
12.00 – 1.00 Leading photography professionals discuss past and present campaigns that use socially driven imagery and ask whether they still have an impact in today’s media, and if so what makes these images successful in driving social change. The discussion is led by Marc Schlossman (PhotoVoice Trustee and photographer) with Gideon Mendel (Photojournalist) and Jessica Crombie (Film and Photography Manager, Save the Children).
On The Ephemeral in Photography
In association with Hotshoe Gallery and ORDINARY-LIGHT Photography
1.30 – 2.30 A panel discussion considering the etymology and characterisations of the ephemeral in photography and the wider concept of the ephemeral as it appears in culture and the arts. This session will be led by Daniel Campbell Blight (Director, Hotshoe Gallery) with Rut Blees Luxemburg (artist), Julian Stallabrass (Reader, The Courtauld Institute of Art) and Douglas Murphy (author of The Architecture of Failure, forthcoming from Zero Books).
(D)e-materialization and Photography in the Age of Technological Advance
In association with Hotshoe and ORDINARY-LIGHT Photography
3.00 – 4.00 A discussion of the (d)e-materialization of the photographic record in the age of technological advance. Led by Brad Feuerhelm (Director, ORDINARY-LIGHT Photography) , the panel includes Simon Bainbridge (Editor, British Journal of Photography) Charlotte Cotton (Creative Director, London Galleries, National Media Museum ), Jason Evans (artist, writer and lecturer) and Trish Morrisey (artist).
Politics in Photography
In association with Photoworks
4.30 – 5.30 This session focuses on contemporary photography concerned with the current socio-political climate in the UK. It considers the artists position in providing an important commentary on social change, political unrest and challenging political conventions. Speakers include: Anna Fox (artist and Professor of Photography, University of the Creative Arts), Lisa Barnard (artist, exhibiting in Photo50 at London Art Fair) and Steve Edwards (Senior Lecturer in Art History, Open University).
Collecting Contemporary Art
In association with the Contemporary Art Society
6.30 – 7.15 and 7.30 – 8.15 Now celebrating its centenary year, the Contemporary Art Society is the UK's leading authority on contemporary collecting. Over the last 100 years they have purchased the work of seminal artists early in their careers - Paul Gauguin, Pablo Picasso, Francis Bacon and Damien Hirst – and enjoy a unique and enviable reputation for being 'ahead of the curve'. These talks give you an opportunity to draw on their expertise to help you develop your own collection. The talks are led by Henry Little (Public Programmes Manager) and Dida Tait (Head of Membership and Market Development).
See their website for more information and how to book tickets.