© JH Engström
London, Sunday 8th - Thursday 12th November,2009.
Swedish photographer JH Engström will be giving the second STILL/MOVING workshop in November.
Celebrated internationally for his unique style of exploratory and expressive life-based photography, Engström is an experienced giver of workshops, developing the teaching methods of his friend and mentor Anders Petersen, who was himself taught by the great Christer Strömholm. Aged 40, Engström has already created some of the most highly sought after photography books, particularly Trying to Dance, and this summer he consolidated his reputation by winning the Rencontres d'Arles 2009 Book Award with From Back Home, his collaborative project with Anders Petersen.
The workshop will be open to 10 applicants who need not necessarily be professional photographers.
Applicants should be open and willing to challenge their own photographic practice during what promises to be a unique and intense week.
The workshop will take place in Hackney, London and will run from 10am - 6pm for 5 days.
Participants will be encouraged to shoot new work during the week.
Cost: approx £500 (depending on funding - will not go up, hopefully will go down)
To apply please send the following to info@stillmoving.org
- a brief note about yourself
- a brief note about your work and why you think you would benefit from this workshop
- 10 to 15 low resolution images and a link to your website (if available)
Deadline for applications: Sunday, 27 September. We will confirm by email whether places have been successful or not by Sunday, 4th October.
In addition to the workshop, JH Engström will be “In Conversation” with a special invited guest on Monday 9th November at Campbell Works Gallery in Stoke Newington, Hackney. This event is open to the public.
Please RSVP talks@stillmoving.org
For more information, please see www.stillmoving.org