All images ©Suzanne Mooney
Via the super new issue of SeeSaw magazine comes Suzanne Mooney´s Make Love To The Camera, a collection of diagrammatic drawings that she has plucked from various photographic manuals that show how to best photograph the female nude. Contextualising the work, she writes:
"Each image depicts a diagram of a naked or semi-naked woman in a studio set-ups surrounded by lights, cameras and props. Instead of following the instructions of the diagram, I photograph the diagram itself. The work denies the erotic charge that the photographic images may have, and becomes a humorous but disturbing comment on glamour photography.
The work deconstructs the mechanics involved in image making by focusing on the exact moment a photograph is taken. The diagrams can no longer exist as functional drawings outside of their original context, blown up and displayed they become the work itself. Make Love to the Camera continues my conceptual play with the processes involved in image making from behind the camera, in front off the camera, and the camera itself."
If you are feeling this then go on over to her website to see more work of this nature, including Decommissioned Cameras, Behind the Scenes and Found Photographers. Thanks for the link Aaron!