Thursday, 18 September 2008

Victor Cobo

All images ©Victor Cobo

"This work is about dreams, love and the desire to battle loneliness and isolation from society. I want to capture the horror, emotional tension and hidden beauty that can be found in these individual exiles. Lost souls who crave ever lasting love. When someone's life is void of this, memories and dreams are held onto the dearest. This series pays homage to these important moments. Memories of longing are held for safe keeping, in which there are visual contrasts between the real and the surreal. It is often this world that borders on fiction that keeps us searching for love and happiness throughout the rest of our lives."

These are the words of Victor Cobo, whose fantastic series of photographs entitled Remember When You Loved Me was sent my way which I am happy to share with you all. Victor was born in Melbourne, FL (1971)but lives and works in San Francisco, CA. His one person exhibits include "American Dreams," Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, OR (2007)and "The Migrant Trail," Michel Novelozo Gallery, Davis, CA (2005)and he has also participated in numerous group shows such as "Masterworks of American Photography," Curator: John Rohrbach-Amon, Carter Museum, Fort Worth,TX(2008), "Photo Forum," Curator: Anne Wilkes Tucker-Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX (2007), "Sub-text," Randall Scott Gallery, Washington DC (2007), "The Only Human Exhibit," Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA (2007), "Cruzando," Fifty Crows Gallery, San Francisco, CA (2006), "Center Awards," Juror: Sarah Greenough-National Gallery of Art, Center For The Photographic Arts, Carmel, CA (2006),"Countdown 2000," National Juried Exhibition, (3rd Place), Juror: Lawrence Rinder-Whitney Museum of American Art, 1078 Gallery, Chico, CA(1996.)His CV also boasts a plethora of grants, awards & honors and it comes as no surprise to hear his work has been snapped up by many a private and public collection.