All images © Anna Strand
"I work with staged photography and text to examine the elusive parts of existence, the unreal aspects of reality," says Anna Strand by way of introduction to her brilliant project Never complain, never explain. Elaborating a little, she says that her photography "deals with our way of seeing by routine and our habit of using words and concepts by routine. In that way I want to come closer to what’s beyond the describable."
I must admit, hers is not the best artist statement I´ve ever read but Swedish photographer Anna Strand is definitely onto something here. I like the irreverent sense of humour present in the work which coupled with the enigmatic quality and clean aesthetic assures its success as both individual images and a methodically built up collection of pictures.
Strand works around the subject rather than addressing it directly; her method of enquiry is not aimed at solving problems, but at undermining uncertainties: "Lately I more specifically have been focused on the contradiction concerning the desire to disappear and at the same time wanting to be somebody. To be somebody is necessary in our world but at the same time it confines us in a frustrating way. The persons and objects in my images can be understood as performers, examining the world in and how to be a part of it in their own way."
To see more examples of her work, and to read her biography go to www.annastrand.se