Friday 6 June 2008

Matthieu Casimiri

Opening next week is an exhibition of the work of a young French photographer called Matthieu Casimiri which will run from 9th of June to 13th of July 2008 at Galerie Le Lucernaire, Paris 6eme.
Featuring work from his series, Asia: Urban Depression, his photographs capture the alienation and loneliness that can be seen as a by product of city living. The artist looks for signs of humanity within the metropolis and its de-humanizing urban areas to explore the multiple narratives emerging around this notion of collective space. Very much in the vein of street photography, Casamiri has skillfully paused the constrant stream of life as it passes us by and described the great urban dramas that take place. The subjects he photographs are anonymous beings: isolated people who walk, wait or dissappear into the distance, swallowed by a dense darkness which the particular atmosphere created in these photos makes possible.

For more examples of his work and biographical info visit: